The parallel in-house research CFD code SCH3D
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
- High-order algorithms for structured meshes
- Large scale DNS and LES of incompressible flows
- High efficiency on thousands of CPUs of a supercomputer
- High performance scalable Poisson solvers
- Flexible configuration to fit both small "Beowulf" clusters and supercomputers
Authors: X. F. Trias, A. Gorobets, M. Soria
Mathematical basis
- High-order robust symmetry preserving discretization
- Explicit time integration
- Fractional step projection method for pressure-velocity coupling
- Innovative LES models
- Scalable Poisson solvers
- The code is written on C language
- MPI parallelization
- Object-oriented structure
Development directions
- LES models (Trias)
- Poisson solvers (Gorobets, Trias)
- Improvements of parallel algorithms, hybrid MPI+OpenMP approach (Gorobets)
Current applications
- Large-scale DNS of model problems. More...
- Development and verification of LES models
- A. Gorobets, F. X. Trias, M. Soria and A. Oliva, “A scalable parallel Poisson solver for three-dimensional
problems with one periodic direction”, Computers & Fluids journal, 39 (2010) 525-538, Elsevier
- A.V.Gorobets, “Scalable algorithm for incompressible flow simulation on parallel computer systems”, Mathematical modeling, vol. 19, number 10, pp. 105-128, 2007
- F. X. Trias, A. Gorobets, M. Soria and A. Oliva, “A scalable ACM-based Poisson solver for DNS of Turbulent Flows on supercomputers”, Parallel CFD 2008, Lyon (France), May 2008
- R. W. C. P. Verstappen and A. E. P. Veldman. "Symmetry-Preserving Discretiza-
tion of Turbulent Flow", Journal of Computational Physics, 187:343{368, May